Languages pretending to be other languages

I’ve been reading some fiction in translation lately and it’s got me thinking about how authors present and represent other languages in the language they’re writing in. I’m thinking in the vein of Cormac McCarthy…

Lillooet Library Book Sale Haul

Unlike the annual delivery of hay for my mother’s horse, which it took me years to realize was not coincidentally falling at the same (goddamn) time as my visit home every summer but in fact…

Que sais-je? (Not that much)

Although I don’t travel so often, in my years of occasional blogging I’ve developed a bad habit of stockpiling material for mammoth “My Trip” posts and then never quite finishing them. This one’s a messy…

Day to Self

In the way of books talking to one another it seems entirely appropriate that the book I gave up on this past week was mentioned in the opening pages of the book I picked up…

Guest Room Library

I realized the other day that I had been back in BC for one whole year. This also means most of my books (and some assorted other flotsam) have now been lurking in a dark…

Singing Wind & Skylight Books

It’s been so long since we got home from our trip to Arizona and California (and a tiny impromptu bit of Death Valley, Nevada), but there were great bookstores and not all the books bought…

Books & Bikes

A little later this month I’ll be getting together with a bunch of the cyclists from a cross-Canada trip I was part of ten years ago, and to gear up for our reunion ride I…