
I am primarily an editor of fiction and narrative non-fiction. That said, I’ve had the pleasure of editing work that falls well outside of that and always welcome the opportunity to broaden my scope genre-wise when the material interests me. I keep an updated list of book projects here.

The services I offer:

Manuscript Evaluation
A constructive overall evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses in the work, and a sense of what might be involved in readying it for publication.

Developmental Editing
More hands-on than the manuscript evaluation, at this stage I provide detailed suggestions on the page (whether a hard copy or using Track Changes in Word) and in separate notes, addressing issues like narrative voice, tone, character development, point of view, dialogue, plot, pace, continuity and clarity (to name a few).

Line Editing
At this stage I work closely, sentence by sentence, focusing on word choice and repetition, rhythm, clarity, continuity, consistency of style and facts, as well as grammar and punctuation.