
Way back in January, in the middle of an otherwise pretty bleak week, I found out I’d won the inaugural Deborah Wills Chapbook Contest, and now many months later copies of that (limited edition!) chapbook…

“Creation” by Sylvia Nickerson

One of the weird joys of my editing life is sometimes being hired by my friends and getting to see what they’ve been up to lately. Sometimes this means being given forty-eight hours to copyedit…

Messy Freelancing

I started this week fully intending to do what in the freelance self-help world is known as “niching down,” that is, settling once and for all on a specialty and advertising oneself accordingly. Fiction is…

My interview with Jenny Ferguson

My latest interview for The Malahat Review is up now on their site. I got to talk to Jenny Ferguson about her essay “Excavating Rias,” which will appear in the Malahat’s fall issue. Her essay…